Friday, September 13, 2013

Go On, Dust Your Camera Off

As far as my photography, the method and subject matter have been nearly the same since forever. I find my subject matter, I don't create it. Shoot 'em in digital. I only use tripods when it's absolutely necessary. Most shots are of landscapes and wildlife and are nearly always in color. I favor shallow depth of field and natural day-time lighting. I feel like it's time to cut that shit out. No one learns anything from doing the same ol' shit over and over.

Early this morning, around 5:30am, I decided to play around with long exposures.
30 second exposure

15 second exposure - I love this stump.

5 second exposure of some ducks. Interesting...

After the sun came up, I headed to a field near my dad's house to look for deer.
The morning fog was awesome...Appropriate for Friday the 13th.

I saw a doe and fawn along the far edge of the field watching me. So, I watched them for a while, but they spooked when I tried taking some shots of them. I went about my business trying to capture the misty morning fog and a few minutes later, turned around to see the doe creeping up behind me with her head close to the ground. She was standing only 25 feet or so away. I nearly crapped myself, which is probably why she skittered away behind some trees. Evidently, she had circled through the woods behind me to come check me out. Her and the fawn reappeared in front of me, about 35-40 feet away in the field. I watched them for at least 15 minutes while they grazed, slowly moving back toward the edge of the field, where I had first spotted them. It was pretty awesome - definitely a great way to start the day.

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