Sunday, August 25, 2013

Second Day Hair / Curl Keeper Review

Generally, I, as a curly girl, feel like I was screwed over in the hair care department. But, for as long as I've been battling my hair, there is one phenomenon I have always appreciated: second day hair. Maybe it doesn't happen the same for all of us, but for me, it is almost always the best hair day.

Bridesmaid - second day hair, March 2010. Photo by Erik Mysliwy.
That's 5-minute-good.
Yesterday's Hair Routine:
Estimated time - 25 minutes
(same routine as this day)

Today's Second Day Hair Routine:
Estimated time - 5 minutes
  • Used spray bottle to dampen hair with water
  • Scrunched curls
  • Applied Curl Keeper all over hair
  • Scrunched curls
  • Diffused dry

Back in March, when I purchased Curl Keeper, I bought a huge, 33.8oz bottle on Amazon because it was the best deal. I still have 3/4 of the bottle left. So, if you want to try this product - get the smaller bottle. There is no point in spending $40 if you are just going to try something, I was just being impulsive and ridiculous. To be completely honest, I don't know if I like this product enough to spend $40 on it again, or even $15 on the 8oz bottle. But, at this rate, it going to be a long time before I even have to think about it.

The product does not provide much hold when used on its own, but it does add definition to curls. So, if you have very curly hair - 3c/4a - you may love it. But, I have a 2c/3a curl pattern and very fine hair, which requires more hold. So the result, when used alone, looked great for a couple hours, then my curls started to fall flat. I do, however, I think it works really well with other products, especially for second day hair, which is what I tend to use it for.

When I tried Curl Keeper on its own, I was still using products that contained silicons and sulfates. I am hoping that by removing that crap from my hair routine, it will improve the overall health of my hair, which may alter the way it responds to this product. So, to be fair, I will try to revisit this review in a few months.

Side note: It has been pointed out that the ingredients in Curl Keeper are nearly identical to water-based personal lubricant. I have not tried this, but others have. Here's a review.

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